Garage Picture

Revolutionizing the Future: FIRST Team 424, “Rust Belt Robotics”

Embarking on a journey from a single student tinkering in a garage, FIRST Team 424, aptly named “Rust Belt Robotics,” has rapidly evolved into an exemplar of innovation, determination, and community engagement. Founded by the visionary Lead Mentor, Dillan Sayers, and driven by  Stephanie Smith, Operations Manager, this initiative has reshaped Buffalo’s educational landscape by pioneering an inclusive robotics program for students aged 14 to 18.

In the autumn of 2022, a remarkable chapter began as Robotics Team 424 “RBR” was formally registered with the esteemed FIRST organization. In an astonishing feat, within a mere six months, the team has rapidly expanded its reach, establishing a footprint in 11 distinct schools, thus unequivocally signaling its permanence and commitment to the cause.

At its core, Rust Belt Robotics is not just a team; it’s a transformative platform engineered to equip students with hands-on experiences in STEM, mirroring the intricacies of the real world. As a crucible of competitive robotics, the program stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards practical STEM proficiency.

However, the tale of Rust Belt Robotics is not without its challenges, each surmounted with unwavering zeal. This nascent team’s meteoric rise is testament to their audacious resolve, fortified by a communal spirit that’s more akin to a cherished novel than reality. The team’s profound ability to nurture a sense of belonging has redefined camaraderie, forging bonds among students who might otherwise have been bereft of such an opportunity. The transformation of young minds, propelling them from underprivileged backgrounds to the playoffs within their inaugural year, resonates as a testament to the power of sweat equity and dedication.

But this is merely a prologue; Rust Belt Robotics is poised to script an unparalleled narrative in the annals of robotics. With the creative genius of its mentorship, the resourcefulness of its students, and the unwavering support of its community, the team is poised to spearhead a renaissance of STEM education in Buffalo and beyond.

As the team marches forward, it carries not just the weight of its accomplishments, but also the aspirations of a generation. Rust Belt Robotics, once an audacious dream in a garage, has burgeoned into a formidable force, a lighthouse of hope for countless young minds, guiding them towards a future where potential knows no bounds. The pages of history eagerly await the next chapters, where Rust Belt Robotics will undoubtedly etch its name in golden letters.


It’s been a fantastic year for the growth of our team over the past year! It’s evident that our commitment to STEM education and innovation is making a significant impact on students and the community. Here are a few thoughts and words of encouragement:

Community Engagement and Outreach:

The outreach activities conducted by our Volunteers/Mentors and students have played a crucial role in expanding the team’s. Continue to leverage these efforts to strengthen community ties and generate interest in STEM.

Commitment to STEM Education:

The creation of another FIRST ROBOTIC team, FTC Team 23789, along with FRC Team 424, showcases a strong commitment to fostering innovation and STEM education. Providing opportunities for students ages 12-18, and currently spanning 17 distinct schools.  We now have 9 (unpaid/volunteer) Mentors, 5 are F.I.R.S.T. Alumni!!

Upcoming Competitions:

FTC Team 23789 is in their BUILD working sessions and the 1st Regional Competition in December. Similarly, the upcoming BUILD session for FRC Team 424 in January marks an exciting phase. These competitions are not only about technical skills but also about teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership.

Recognition and Awards:

Congratulations to Lead Mentor Dillan Sayers on the nomination for the BETAS 2023 Innovative Educator award. Such recognition highlights the dedication and impact of our team in the field of education and robotics.

Long-Term Vision:

Acknowledging and addressing challenges while staying committed to the long haul is a key aspect of sustained success. The nomination for the Innovative Educator award is a testament to the team’s dedication and potential for long-term impact.

Inspiration and Aspirations:

Our organization’s growth not only reflects in numbers but also in the inspiration and aspirations it provides to participating students. The broader goals of promoting STEM education are being realized through our team’s efforts.

As Rust Belt Robotics continues on its journey, the challenges will be met with resilience, and the successes fuel further enthusiasm and passion for robotics and education. Our team’s commitment/goals to community, innovation, and education is clear.  Again if there’s anything specific you’d like assistance with or information on, feel free to let me know. 

We will keep you updated.  Thanks