FIRST Team 424, known as “Rust Belt Robotics,” began as a small initiative in a garage and has quickly become a beacon of innovation and community involvement in Buffalo. Founded by Lead Mentor Dillan Sayers and Operations Manager Stephanie Smith, the team launched an inclusive robotics program for students aged 14 to 18. Registered with FIRST in autumn 2022, Rust Belt Robotics has rapidly expanded to 11 schools, showcasing its commitment to STEM education.
The team provides hands-on experiences that reflect real-world challenges, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among students, particularly those from underprivileged backgrounds. Their impressive achievements, including making the playoffs in their first year, highlight their determination and collaborative spirit.
Looking ahead, Rust Belt Robotics aims to transform STEM education in Buffalo and beyond, with strong mentorship, resourceful students, and community support. This journey from a small dream to a significant force illustrates the potential for growth and impact, promising an exciting future for its participants.